If you need to update your commercial kitchen, these tips should aid you in your efforts to improve its functionality and design.

Get some custom sinks made by a stainless steel fabricator

Every commercial kitchen will need a few sinks for activities such as rinsing produce and washing dishes. This type of item is immensely important for the safe operation of any commercial space where food is prepared. If your current sinks have seen better days and you want to replace them as part of your update, then you should consider having some custom sinks made by one of your local stainless steel fabricators.

Due to how easy stainless steel sinks are to sanitise, they are a better choice for a commercial kitchen than, for example, ceramic sinks. Whilst you can buy generic stainless steel sinks in many shops, these cannot compare to the ones that can be custom-made by stainless steel fabricators. If you get your sinks made by this type of specialist manufacturer, you can ensure that their dimensions, weight-bearing capacity and shapes are perfect for your specific kitchen. For example, if you make a lot of potato-based dishes in your kitchen, you probably need to rinse off lots of fresh potatoes on a regular basis.

If you order your produce-rinsing sink from a fabricator, you can request one that is big enough to hold an extra-large bag of potatoes and that features the extra-sturdy welding joints needed to withstand the weight of several kilos' worth of this vegetable. Being able to chuck a giant bag of potatoes into the sink all at once and get them all rinsed and ready for further prepping in one fell swoop could help you run your kitchen more efficiently.

Factor in the thickness of any new wall tiles if you're having countertops made

If you're also going to get a manufacturer to make some new countertops, you will have to give them the measurements for these items. If in addition to the countertops, you are going to lay some new tiles on the walls to which these countertops will be attached, you should take the thickness of these tiles into consideration when choosing the depth for the countertops, and make sure that the combined depth of the tiles and these work surfaces does not take up too much space.

If you don't, you may find that the countertops you have made end up jutting out from the wall a little farther than you wanted them to. This could quickly become annoying if, for instance, a countertop is positioned across the way from a stove top, as the people standing by these two areas may end up frequently brushing up against each other as they do their jobs, due to there not being enough space between their work stations.
